Nov 2013: Talk at USI Lugano by Mattia Gustarini: “Ops, I wasn’t supposed to share that picture!”
Mattia Gustarini, Ops, I was not supposed to share that picture with them! Towards semi-automated centralized privacy settings: what to share, with whom, and in which situation, University of Lugano, Switzerland, Nov 2013
Ubiquitous data collection from our smartphones is becoming a mainstream. We share data (e.g., photos, location) with our social networks, or with owners of data collection campaigns serving research in, for example, human-computer interaction, smart cities and so on. Other data is collected automatically by applications running on our smartphones to offer us more tailored services, in particular for marketing purposes. It is difficult for the smartphone users to control who collects their personal data, when they collect it, and for what purpose. It is necessary to define a theoretical user model and prototyped framework to design semi-automated privacy settings mechanisms to help users to better manage how their private data is collected and with whom it is shared depending on their contextual situation. We intend to investigate how to recognize which are the situations in which the users feels more intimate, thus not willing to share information to everyone, but only to people part of that situation, or only to observers suitable for the situation, or even to no share at all. This knowledge will be then applied to design systems able to analyze and control users’ privacy settings to help them to have their data in control.
See also other talks given by the QoL group members here.