HART: Healthy Aging and the Role of Technology (ACR)(2023-2024)
“QuantifyingSexualHealth: Application of Consumer Mobile & Wearable Devices and Mobile Applications for Sexual Health Assessment” (SNSF-214593)(2023)
The coQoL@hip2neck Study Protocol Design (GenEx)(2021)
QoL@GVA: Bien Vivre Dans Nos Territoires Genevoises (ge.ch)(2021)
European H2020 MSC Fellowship “Onto-mQoL: Extensions of Temporal Representations for Ontology-based and Holistic Reasoning in the Mobile Quality of Life Domain” (no. H2020-MSCA-IF-2020-101024693) (2021-2023)
European COST Action “ReMO: Researcher Mental Health” (CA19117) (2021-2024)
UCPH Data+ project “AI@CARE: Laws and Ethics and Algorithmic Bias in Healthcare” (2020-2024)
European Ambient Assisted Living project “The Social Robot Companion to Support Homecare Nurses” (AAL-GUARDIAN) (AAL-2019-6-120-CP) (2020-2023)
European COST Action “CardioRNA: Catalysing Transcriptomics Research in Cardiovascular Disease” (CA17129) (2018-2022)
European H2020 Project “ECoWeB: Assessing and Enhancing Emotional Competence for Well-Being in the Young: A principled, evidence-based, mobile-health approach to prevent mental disorders and promote mental well-being” (no. 754657) (2018-2021) embracing “mQoL Living Lab” (mQoL)
Stanford Suicide Prevention through Outreach Program (SPOT) Project “Smartphone Data Identification of Suicidality in Young Men with Bipolar Disorder” (SPOt) (2018) PI: Dr. A. Gershon, Prof. Shefali Miller, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Stanford University (Prof. Katarzyna Wac contributes to this project as a co-Investigator)
European H2020 Project “WellCo: Wellbeing and Health Virtual Coach” (no. 769765) (2018-2021) embracing “mQoL Living Lab” (mQoL)
Carlsberg Foundation project “Uncertain Archives: Unknowns, Errors, and Vulnerabilities in Big Data” (Uncertain Archives) (CF16-0332) (2017-2020) (Prof. Katarzyna Wac contributes to this project as a co-Investigator)
Stanford Center for Clinical and Translational Research and Education Project “Applications And Validation Assessments Of Consumer Mobile And Wearable Devices And Mobile Applications For Sleep Monitoring” (Spectrum) (2017) PI: J. Cheung, MD MS, Sleep Medicine and Neurology, Stanford School of Medicine (Prof. Katarzyna Wac contributes to this project as a co-Investigator)
Stanford Global Health Seed Grant Project “Scaling Access to Care in Rural Mexico via Digital Health, Telemedicine and Drones” (CIGH) (2017) PI: H. Rivas, MD, MBA, FACS, FASMBS, Stanford School of Medicine (Prof. Katarzyna Wac contributes to this project as a co-Investigator)
Swiss National Science Fundation Project “Context-aware Mobile Internet Quality Model” (MIQmodel) (SNSF-157003) (2015-2019) embracing “Quality of Service-Information System” (QoSIS.com) and “mQoL Living Lab” (mQoL).
European Ambient Assisted Living project “Caregivers and Me” (AAL-CoME) (AAL-2014-7-127) (2015-2018) embracing “Empowering Individuals in Preventive Health and Quality of Life” (myQoL)
European Ambient Assisted Living project “intergenerAtioNal communIty for coMpAny knowledge TransfEr” (AAL-ANIMATE) (AAL-2013-6-071) (2014-2017)
Google Research Grant, Google Cloud Platform Credits for UnCrowdTPG services
Swiss National Science Fundation Project “Enabling People-Centric Sensing by Overcoming the privacy BarriEr” (PCS-OBEY) (SNSF-149591) (2013-2015)
Dr. Katarzyna Wac Swiss National Science Foundation’s International short research visit at Stanford University (USA) titled “Studying the Usage of Mobile Applications for Chronic Disease Self-Management in Different Contexts of Daily Life” (SNSF-IZK0Z2_148824)(SNSF, Stanford)(2013)
European COST Action “Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services” (ACROSS-IC1304) (2013-2017)
European COST Action “Architectures, Algorithms and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments” (AAPELE-IC1303) (2013-2017)
European Ambient Assisted Living project “A Pervasive Guardian for Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairments” (AAL-MyGuardian) (AAL-2011-4-027) (2012-2015)
European Ambient Assisted Living project “Way Finding Seniors” (AAL-WayFiS) (AAL-2010-3-014) (2011-2013)
Dr. Lucjan Janowski Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) Fellowship at University of Geneva (Switzerland) titled “QoHealth: QoE Optimalisation for Health Tele-monitoring and Tele-treatment Systems with Constrained QoS” (SCIEX 10.076)(QoHealth)(2010-2011)
TraiNutri: TRAINing and NUTRItion senior social platform European Ambient Assisted Living project “TRAINing and NUTRItion senior social platform” (AAL-TraiNutri) (AAL-2009-2-129) (2010-2012)
European COST Action “European Network on Quality of Experience in Multimedia Systems and Services” (QUALINET-IC1003) (2010-2014)
US NSF project “Network Data Services for Exposure Biology Studies in Natural Environments” FieldStream (US-NSF-0910754) (Dr. Katarzyna Wac has contributed to this project along the academic year 2009-2010)
Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) project on “Monitoring and Analysis of Wireless Networks for a QoS-Prediction Service” (QoSIS.com) (SER-C08.0025) (2009-2011)
Dr. Katarzyna Wac Swiss National Science Foundation Fellowship at Carnegie Mellon University (USA) titled “Context-aware quality-of-service management for personalised mobile applications” (SNSF-PBGEP2-125917)(SNSF)(2009-2010)
European COST Action “TMA: Traffic Monitoring and Analysis” (TMA-IC07003) (2008-2012)
European FP7 Collaborative Project PlayMancer (FP7-INFSO-ICT-215839) (2007-2010) (Dr. Katarzyna Wac has contributed to this project as a PhD student)
Dutch Freeband AWARENESS project (BSIK-5902390) (2004-2006), see epilepsy scenario movie (Dr. Katarzyna Wac has contributed to this project as a PhD student)
European FP6 Network of Excellence INTEROP (FP6-IST-2003-508011) (2003-2006) (Dr. Katarzyna Wac has contributed to this NoE as a MSc/PhD student)
European FP5 Collaborative Project MobiHealth (FP5-IST-2001-36006) (2002-2004), (Dr. Katarzyna Wac has contributed to this project as a MSc student) see the interview with Prof. D. Konstantas and K. Wac and the chronic pain scenario movie by the MobiHealth BV start-up company (Dr. Katarzyna Wac has been R&D Ambassadress of MobiHealth 2007-2010 and since 2016).