
Resource Management In The Emergency Department Of A Hospital From A Business Analytical Point Of View

Geneva School of Economics and Management, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Designing for Participation in Longitudinal Health and Well-being Studies

Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Tracking Back the Self-Trackers: A Study Of The Quantified-Self Community

Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Engaging Participants in the Recruitment Phase of Human Subject Health Studies – mQoL-chat: a Chatbot Approach

Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark



Expeer – Implementing Trust In A Digital Car-Sharing Service

Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Location-time Based TCP Delays Measurements for PocketPC

University of Geneva, Switzerland

Performance Measurements, Designing a Generic Measure and Performance Indicator Model

University of Geneva, Switzerland