Research Talks

Development of Artificial Intelligence around the world: potential and challenges

XVI National Congress of the Portuguese Association of Hospital Pharmacists

Artificial Intelligence, Large Language Models, and the world of tomorrow

B-Tech Congress

Digital Biomarkers of Quality of Life: Incorporating Daily Life into Clinical Trials

The Power of Digital Biomarkers Summit

Digital Biomarkers, Predictive Biomarkers, Precision Medicine, and Big Data

Biomarker and Companion Diagnostic Conference

Effect of Psychological Climate on Stress Coping Intention through Digital Technology

The 4th International Research Roundtable

Digital Biomarkers: Human-Centric AI Research in Service of Quality of Life

mHealth HUB, mHealth Center for Discovery, Optimization & Translation of Temporally-Precise Interventions (mDOT), NIH, USA

Data overdose: side effects and metabolism of big data in the 21st century

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

Can Technology Reported Outcomes (TechROs) Lead to a Paradigm Shift in Healthcare Decision-Making? (Panel)

International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Conference (ISPOR)

Physical Activity may affect Sleep unexpectedly. Results from small data.


Where Does The Future Lie for Digital Biomarkers and Digital Measurements?

Digital Biomarkers & Digital Measurements Europe

Explainable AI for Longitudinal Health Data

CUSO Winter School

Giving You The Power To Foresee Alzheimer’s Disease Effortlessly

CUSO Winter School

Quantifying Quality Of Life: Quality of Life Lab

People-Centered Internet meeting

Keynote: Remote Quality of Life Assessment: ‘What is Always Speaking Silently is The Body’

Digital Health Connect Conference

Technology: your body’s seismometer

UNIGE's Data Science Day round table "Beyond SDGs: measuring and forecasting for taking action", Data Science Competence Center, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Co-calibrating Short Term, Mixed-Methods Based Momentary Assessments for Physical and Psychological Outcomes with Long Term Quality of Life Outcomes in Older Adults: The coQoL Method

UNIGE's Data Science Day, Data Science Competence Center, University of Geneva, Switzerland

mQoL: Methodology for Assessing and Modeling Human Aspects in Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Computing in Situ

International Transdisciplinarity Conference (ITD) 2021

Keynote: Multimodal Machine Learning for Quality of Life Assessment: Throwing Data at a Problem?

ZHAW Digital Health Lab Day

Co-calibrating Short Term, Mixed-Methods Based Momentary Assessments for Physical and Psychological Outcomes with Long Term Quality of Life Outcomes in Older Adults: An Evaluation of the coQoL Method

Society for Ambulatory Assessment Conference 2021

“Know You (Self) Better”: N-of-1 Based Self-Examination Using Wearables And Self-Reported Behaviors For An Improved Well-Being

Data Science Clinics, Data Science Competence Center, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Active Living: mQoL Living Lab

AGE-NT, Swiss National Innovation Network "Ageing in Society" Congress

Keynote: Treated by computers? – A futuristic perspective of healthcare

24th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) (3500 registered participants)

AI@CARE: Algorithmic Bias, Laws and Ethics in Healthcare

AI Tech & Policy Talks, Digital Law Center, Faculty of Law, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Plenary: “Video Killed the Radio Star”: How Technology is Changing the Way We Collect, Analyze and Interpret Patient-Relevant Data”

The International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) Annual Conference

mQoL-Lab: A Flexible Platform to Conduct Human Health Studies Using Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Devices

14e Journée de l’Innovation, Centre de l’innovation, University Hospital of Geneva

Quantifying Quality of Life of Smartphone-Centric Humans via Human-Centric Methods

IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Lecturer Webinar Series

Mood Assessment with Smartphone Apps

Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Congress, Lausanne

Researching Quality of Life of Smartphone-Centric Humans via Human-Centric Methods

Le Sensolier Seminar

Quality of Life Technologies

Digital Behaviome: Ubiquitous Computing for Behaviour, Health and Quality of Life Assessment

Digital and Mobile Health Seminar

Interdisciplinary, Collaborative Models Of Designing, Implementing, And Evaluating Digital Behavior Change Interventions

40th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM 2019)

Quality of Life Technologies

Firmenich, Geneva, Switzerland

Pocket-Size Life Quality: Are We Ready for a Call?

Mobile Health Systems Seminar, ETH Zurich

Can Data Decide Your Health?

Future Healthcare? Human & IT & Legal Perspectives Seminar

Quality of Life Technologies: From Cure to Care

Congress of the 'Association Suisse Des Pharmaciens De L’administration Et Des Hôpitaux' (GSASA)

Assessing Chronic Illness Risk in Older Adults via Personal Digital Health Tools

ACM Digital Health Conference (DH 2018)

mQoL: Mobile Quality of Life Lab (poster and demo)

ACM Digital Health Conference (DH 2018), Nominated to the Innovation Prize in the category of the "Best Data Driven Innovation"

mQoL-Peer: Assessing the Individual’s State via the Just-in-Context Individual’s Peers’ Evaluations (poster and demo)

ACM Digital Health Conference (DH 2018)

The Digital Health Council and ETCD Present Perspectives on Effective Digital Health Training in Behavioral Medicine

39th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM 2018)

Mental Health Care Technologies: Context Aware Stress Assessment and Stress Coping

A joint workshop by the Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Gerontology and Vulnerability (CIGEV) and the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Geneva and the Swiss National Center of Competences in Research LIVES – Overcoming vulnerability: life course perspectives

Connecté Pour Mieux Vivre / “Connect for Better Quality of Life”

Careers and Opportunities Network Cafe titled "Nouvelles Technologies de l'information: En Finir Avec Les Préjugés"

Keynote: mHealth in Patient Care: Hype or Hope?

46th Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy (ESCP)

mQoL Living Lab: Behavioural Data Gathering in Mobile Settings via Wearables and Smartphones for Better Quality of Life

Research Data Alliance 10th Plenary

mHealth Innovations to Quality of Life Improvements

Data Analytics Research Seminar

Using eHealth and mHealth Methods to Promote Healthy Behaviors among Women

38th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM 2017)

From Quantified Self to Quality of Life

Research Seminar: Tracking Experience – Enhancing Lives?, University of Copenhagen

Carebots: an elderly’s best friend?

Future of Ageing symposium at the swissnexDay

A New Generation of e-Health Systems

ITU Workshop on Spectrum Management for Internet of Things Deployment

From Quality of Service (QoS) via Quality of Experience (QoE) to Quality of Life (QoL) (and Back)

Dagstuhl Seminar "QoE Vadis?" (16472)

Compter Ses Pas, Mesurer La Tension Artérielle, Calculer Les Calories: Une Meilleure Santé Grâce Au «Self-Tracking» Et Aux «Wearables»?

Symposium by The Swiss Society for Public Health

5G-enabed Digital Health Technologies for Quality of Life Enhancements

WWRF WG meeting on e/m-Health with particular focus on 5G systems (at IEEE HealthCom)

Leveraging Mobile Apps and Wearables to Improve Patient’s Self-Efficacy of Activities Contributing to Health

Conference of International Society for Wearable Technology in Healthcare (WATCH-Society)

Research and Technology – How Can It Help To Achieve Patient Outcomes? (Panel)

360° Growth Hormone Diseases Europe Meeting

Innovations for Global Health Challenges (Panel)

ITU-WHO Policy Dialogue on Digital Health for “Healthy Lives and Wellbeing for All (SDG3)” in parallel to the World Health Assembly

Keynote: Star Trek’s Tricorder: Science Fiction or Future Science?

21st Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) (3500 registered participants)

Human Aspects in Use (and Misuse) of Mobile Apps and Wearables for Health Self-Management

Conference of International Society for Wearable Technology in Healthcare (WATCH-Society)

Ambulatory Assessment of Affect by Autonomic Nervous System Activation Patterns

International Symposium on Companion-Technologies, Invited Talk

Mobile Ubiquitous Communications and Computing for Health(care): Assuring User Experience

Faculty of Informatics, Vienna University of Technology

UnCrowdTPG: Open Data in Action

Invited talk at the seminar on Open Data hosted by Prof. Thomas Gauthier, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO)

Open Data au Service des Citoyens

Open Geneva Contest, Geneva Creativity Center

Les Biosensors pour le suivi des Patients

XIV Congrès de la Société Francophone d'Analyse du Mouvement chez l'Enfant et l'Adulte (SOFAMEA)

Personalised Health Self-management Systems: What is the Design Space?

Human-Centered Computing Section, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen

UnCrowdTPG: A Service for the Citizens of Geneva

Invited talk at the seminar on Open Data hosted by Prof. Thomas Gauthier, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO)

From Quality of Service (QoS) via Quality of Experience (QoE) to Quality of Life (QoL) Technologies (and Back)

Measuring, Monitoring and Analysis of Quality of Life and its Complexity (QoLexity) - Seminar Series, University of Florence and the Italian National Institute of Statistics

Quality of Life Technologies: Current Trends and Research Challenges

Institute of Services Science - MSc Seminar Series, University of Geneva

UnCrowd TPG: A Mobile Service for Geneva Public Mobility

Institute of Services Science - MSc Seminar Series, University of Geneva

Assuring User Experience of Personal Health Informatics Systems

Department of Computer Science, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

Mobile Interaction: What Matters for Users?

Faculty of Sciences, University of Fribourg

QuantifiedSelf – A Carrot and a Stick of the Insurance Industry?

Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd

Context Intimacy: The importance of Studying Smartphone Users’ Attachment to their Contextual Data

European Telecommunications Standards Institute workshop on "Human side of technology: Human factors in ICT"

Mobile Information Systems and Services: What Matters for Users?

Department of Computer and Information Science, Faculty of Sciences University of Konstanz, Germany

User-Experience Driven Mobile and Pervasive Computing

Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering Lulea University of Technology

Assuring User Experience of Mobile Interactive Services

Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen

mQoL Living Lab

European COST Action AAPELE-IC130 Management Meeting

User-Experience Driven Mobile Health Applications and Services

Department of Information Systems, University of Maryland

Assuring User Experience of Mobile Interactive Services: A Big-Data Approach

Department of Information Systems, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

My Smartphone is a Sponge, Called Bob

Pecha Kucha Talk

Causerie du jeudi: Quantified Self

Geneva, Switzerland

Understanding User Experience of Socio-Technical Systems

Department of Computer Science

Ops, I was not supposed to share that picture with them! Towards semi-automated centralized privacy settings: what to share, with whom, and in which situation

University of Lugano

User Experience Research: Quality of Mobile Networking Applications in Train

Swisscom AG

mQoL Living Lab: Experience of Running Longitudinal Studies for Mobile Internet Measurements

"News and Community Feedback Session", ACM Internet Measurement Conference

Quality of Life Technologies Research Area: Are We There Yet?

Institute of Services Science - MSc Seminar Series

Mobile Cognition for Cognitive Mobility: Human Factors in Mobile Networking

Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Seminar Series

Big Data for Mobile Networking

Human-Sciences and Technologies Advanced Research Institute (H-STAR)

Towards Quality of Experience Assurance for Mobile Applications’ Users

Databases & Distributed Systems Group (DVS), Department of Computer Science

From Data to Knowledge to Quality of Experience Assurance for Mobile Applications’ Users

Aarhus University, Denmark

Pervasive Healthcare

Wearable Computing Group, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ)

Smartphone as a Personal Pervasive Health Information Services Platform

The International Conference on Using Advanced Technologies for Elderly Care: A New Paradigm (ElderlyTech 2013)

QoSIS – Quality of Service Information System

Seminar Series on Technology of Information for Geographic and Environment Research and Services (TIGERS)

Quality of Life Technologies Research Area

Institute of Services Science - MSc Seminar Series

mHealth Services Science – Science in the Service of Life Quality

ITU Experts Group Meeting held within the framework of the ITU European Regional Initiative on ICT Applications, including e-Health: "m-Health: Towards Better Care, Cure and Prevention in Europe"

Future Internet for eHealth: From Quality of Service (QoS) via Quality of Experience (QoE) to Quality of Life (QoL) (and Back)

Dagstuhl Seminar "Future Internet for eHealth" (12181), Germany

People-centric eHealth

Dagstuhl Seminar "Future Internet for eHealth" (12181)

Promoting Physical Activity with Mobile Devices

Dagstuhl Seminar "Future Internet for eHealth" (12181)

Factors Influencing Quality of Experience of Commonly-Used Mobile Applications

Dagstuhl Seminar "Quality of Experience: From User Perception to Instrumental Metrics" (12231)

Factors Influencing Quality of Experience of Commonly-Used Mobile Applications

Telefonica Research & Design

From Services Science to Social Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing

Delft Health Experience group (HEX)

A Pervasive Guardian for Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairments

Research Seminar, AGIM (AGeing, Imaging, Modeling) Lab

Wearable Computing for Behavioral Change in Chronic Disease Management

ISS MSc Seminar

Performance Prediction for mHealth Applications: A Machine Learning Approach

Multimedia Communications Lab (KOM) Seminar

From Wearable Computing to Usability for Behavioral Change in Chronic Disease Management

TECFA Brown Bag Seminar

Towards Telemedicine Services Supporting the Self-management of Chronically Ill Patients

Trial Lesson for Grantholders of Excellence Scholarship

From Quality of Service to Quality of Experience in Health Informatics Systems

ESF-COST Conference on
"Future Internet and Society Complex Networks Perspective"

QoS and QoE for medical applications

European Telecommunications Standards Institute workshop on "Quality of Service - Quality of Experience", ETSI

Quality of Service/Experience Information System “Art & Code” – what’s behind?


Collaborative Sharing of Quality of Service Information for Mobile Service Users

"Web, spatialité, mobilité", INSA

Collaborative Sharing of Quality of Service-Information for Mobile Service Users

PhD thesis trial

Towards Quality of Service-Awareness of Mobile Healthcare Services

ISfTeH Student's Videoconference Session - MedeTel

MobiHealth: Putting Care in Motion

Blekinge Institute of Technology

Mobile Health Applications – From Research to Business

Invited Talk at the Nokia Speakers Series Seminar, Nokia Headquarters

The ABC’s for All-But-Dissertations: Working on and Completing Your Dissertation

Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) of Women in Computing, BoF Session,

Healthcare on the Move

"Salon du Livre"

QoS-predictions Service Provider: Infrastructural Support for Proactive Mobile Services

Mobile Application’s Performance Management Framework: Infrastructural Support for Mobile Services

Context-aware mHealth

Blekinge Institute of Technology

M-health services from MobiHealth to HealthService24

Blekinge Institute of Technology

QoS-predictions Service Provider Supporting Proactive Context-Aware Mobile Services

Performance Analysis of 3G Wireless Networks Supporting mHealth Services

Swisscom Headquarters

End-to-End QoS in the MobiHealth System


Performance evaluation of a Transport System supporting the MobiHealth BAN ip: Methodology and Assessment

MSc final presentation

MobiHealth test results for 3G network

Vodafone BFU meeting

Performance Analysis of 3G Wireless Networks Supporting MobiHealth System

Vodafone BTG meeting

mHealth over 3G

Vodafone BFU kick-off

All Media

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Scientific Events

See also the scientific events co-organized be the QoL group members.