Nov 2021: coQoL@hip2neck GenEx Project’s Virtual Workshop

19 November 2021, coQoL@hip2neck GenEx Project’s Virtual Workshop.  We have summarized the GenEx project “Co-calibrating Momentary Assessments for Physical and Psychological Outcomes with Quality of Life Measurements in Hip Arthroplasty and Cervical Myelopathy Surgeries: The coQoL@hip2neck Study Protocol Design” project results and discussed the future collaboration in an online workshop. Schedule 10-10:05: Introduction and confirmation […]

Oct 2021: Keynote at the Digital Health Connect Conference

27 October 2021, Digital Health Connect Conference, Sion, Switzerland. The talk given by Prof. Wac is titled “Remote quality of life assessment: ‘What is always speaking silently is the body’”. All details and registration are here  Slides and Video See also other talks given by the QoL group members here.

Sep 2021: “La Pandémie De COVID-19 – Un Catalyseur Pour La Santé Digitale” Symposium

  Contexte du symposium: Malgré les défis auxquels le monde est actuellement confronté pour surmonter l’épidémie de COVID-19, nous observons son impact positif sur la transformation numérique du système de santé. L’objectif de ce webinaire est d’engager un ensemble d’expert.e.s du domaine et un large public (professionnel.le.s de la santé, chercheur.euses, régulateur.trice.s, ONG,, patient.e.s, […]

Sep 2021: Talk at the UNIGE’s Data Science Day round table

16 September 2021, University of Geneva Data Science Day round table «Beyond SDGs: measuring and forecasting for taking action», Data Science Competence Center, Geneva, Switzerland. The talk given by MSc Igor Matias is titled “Technology: your body’s seismometer“. All details and registration are here. See also other talks given by the QoL group members here.

Sep 2021: Talk at the UNIGE’s Data Science Day

16 September 2021, University of Geneva Data Science Day «Shaping a Better Future with Data: Data Science for Sustainable Development Goals», Data Science Competence Center, Geneva, Switzerland. The talk given by MSc Igor Matias is titled “Co-calibrating Short Term, Mixed-Methods Based Momentary Assessments for Physical and Psychological Outcomes with Long Term Quality of Life Outcomes […]

Sep 2021: Keynote the ZHAW Digital Health Lab Day

16 September 2021, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW) Digital Health Lab Day, Winterthur, Switzerland. The talk given by Prof. Wac is titled “Multimodal Machine Learning for Quality of Life Assessment: Throwing Data at a Problem?”. All details and registration are here  Slides and Video See also other talks given by the QoL group members here.

May 2021: Seminar “Run and sleep for your brain! How exercise, mindfulness and sleep improve your mental health and resilience?”

17 May, 15h CET, ZOOM, QoL Seminar by Prof. Toledo-Rodrigues titled: “How exercise, mindfulness, and sleep improve your mental health and resilience?”. Speaker  Dr. Maria Toledo-Rodriguez, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, The University of Nottingham Seminar Title Run and sleep for your brain! How exercise, mindset, and sleep improve your mental health […]

Apr 2021: Vlad Manea PhD Defence

14 April, 13h, ZOOM, PhD Defence of Vlad Manea titled: “From Participation Factors to Co-Calibration of Patient- and Wearable-Reported Outcomes in Behavioural, Health, and Quality of Life Studies”. PhD Candidate Vlad Manea Thesis Title “From Participation Factors to Co-Calibration of Patient- and Wearable-Reported Outcomes in Behavioural, Health, and Quality of Life Studies” Abstract Chronic diseases […]

2021-2024 Starting Five New Research Projects

The QoL team has just started to collaborate on the following projects: 2021: The coQoL@hip2neck Study Protocol Design 2021: QoL@GVA: Bien Vivre Dans Nos Territoires Genevoises 2021-2023: European H2020 MSC Fellowship “Onto-mQoL: Extensions of Temporal Representations for Ontology-based and Holistic Reasoning in the Mobile Quality of Life Domain” 2021-2024: AGE-INT – Switzerland’s International Expertise for […]