27 March 2025, Digital Health Innovation Forum, Potsdam, Germany (WEB). M.Sc. Igor Matias hosts the workshop titled “Predicting Cognitive Performance with Wearable Data” following an invitation from the forum’s organizers. “Join for an engaging workshop where we explore the potential of wearable data for predicting longitudinal cognitive performance. Discover MoTR, a cutting-edge tool for intraindividual […]
13-16 October 2024, International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) Annual Conference, Cologne, Germany. Igor Matias (QoL Lab), Prof. Nancy Mayo, BSc(PT) MSc PhD (McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada), Piper Fromy, PhD (SeeingTheta, Saumur, France), and Prof. Wac (QoL Lab), are organizers of a workshop titled “Navigating Digital Health Technologies: From Data Collection to […]
17 May 2024, The talk given by Mr Rainer Herzog, the Founder and Managing Partner of “Digital Health Partners” is titled “DiGAs in Germany – more than a flash in the pan? Did the DiGA initiative establish itself in the German healthcare system and in care delivery?” Content Since October 2020, digital health applications (DiGAs) […]
14 February 2024, The talk given by MSc Steven Bourke, the director, and CEO of PersonalPulse GmbH, is titled “From Testers to Co-creators – A Blueprint for Inclusion of People Who are Patients in Digital Health Innovation” Abstract Successful digital health innovation requires a multistakeholder approach to build a sustainable solution. People who are patients […]
18-21 October 2023, International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) Annual Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Igor Matias, Prof. Wac, and Clauirton Siebra are organizers of a workshop titled “Introduction to Technology-Reported Outcomes for QoL research.” Igor Matias and Prof. Wac will present a paper titled “Light at the end of the copper wire: a […]
19-22 October 2022, International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) Annual Conference, Prague, The Czech Republic. Clauirton A. Siebra presented a paper titled “A Deep Learning-based Approach for Mood Analysis based on Multi-featured QoL Data”. Igor Matias presented a poster titled “Physical Activity may affect Sleep unexpectedly. Results from small data”. Prof. Wac is a […]
19 November 2021, coQoL@hip2neck GenEx Project’s Virtual Workshop. We have summarized the GenEx project “Co-calibrating Momentary Assessments for Physical and Psychological Outcomes with Quality of Life Measurements in Hip Arthroplasty and Cervical Myelopathy Surgeries: The coQoL@hip2neck Study Protocol Design” project results and discussed the future collaboration in an online workshop. Schedule 10-10:05: Introduction and confirmation […]
3 November, Prof. Wac received the IEEE Sensors Council Technical Achievement Award in Sensor Systems or Networks – Early Career “For contributions to the algorithms enabling improvement of human behavior, well-being, health, disease self-management, and quality of life in the long term”.
13-16 October 2021, International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) Annual Conference, Calgary, Canada. Prof. Wac is a co-chair of the Workshop Sub-Committee.
Contexte du symposium: Malgré les défis auxquels le monde est actuellement confronté pour surmonter l’épidémie de COVID-19, nous observons son impact positif sur la transformation numérique du système de santé. L’objectif de ce webinaire est d’engager un ensemble d’expert.e.s du domaine et un large public (professionnel.le.s de la santé, chercheur.euses, régulateur.trice.s, ONG, citoyen.ne.s, patient.e.s, […]
16 September 2021, “Trust in Medical AI Systems” Online Symposium, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW), Winterthur. Prof. Wac is a co-Organizer. Co-Organizers: Holger Rommel, ti&m Beat Tödtli, Ostschweizer Fachhochschule Katarzyna Wac, Universität Genf All details and registration are here
17 May, 15h CET, ZOOM, QoL Seminar by Prof. Toledo-Rodrigues titled: “How exercise, mindfulness, and sleep improve your mental health and resilience?”. Speaker Dr. Maria Toledo-Rodriguez, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, The University of Nottingham Seminar Title Run and sleep for your brain! How exercise, mindset, and sleep improve your mental health […]
14 April, 13h, ZOOM, PhD Defence of Vlad Manea titled: “From Participation Factors to Co-Calibration of Patient- and Wearable-Reported Outcomes in Behavioural, Health, and Quality of Life Studies”. PhD Candidate Vlad Manea Thesis Title “From Participation Factors to Co-Calibration of Patient- and Wearable-Reported Outcomes in Behavioural, Health, and Quality of Life Studies” Abstract Chronic diseases […]
21-24 October 2020, International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) Annual Conference, Prague, The Czech Republic. Prof. Wac is a co-chair of the Workshop Sub-Committee as well as a Plenary Speaker at the Session: ““Video killed the radio star”: How technology is changing the way we collect, analyze and interpret patient-relevant data.” Video See also […]
28 August 2020, 9-11h, Battelle A, PhD Defence of Allan Berrocal titled: “Peer-ceived Momentary Assessment: Empirical Examination Of A Peer Supported Sensing Method To Augment Personal Sensing In Human Computer Interaction”. PhD Candidate Allan Berrocal Thesis Title “Peer-ceived Momentary Assessment: Empirical Examination Of A Peer Supported Sensing Method To Augment Personal Sensing In Human Computer […]
9 September 2019, ACM Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMP 2019). The LDC Workshop is titled “International Workshop on Longitudinal Data Collection”. Web Co-Organizers: Vlad Manea (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)Allan Berrocal (University of Geneva, Switzerland)Alexandre De Masi (University of Geneva, Switzerland)Naja Holten Møller (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)Katarzyna Wac (University of Copenhagen, Denmark and University […]
27-28 June 2019, Workshop Titled “Wearables in Sleep Research”, at the Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Sleep Research, Sleep Medicine and Chronobiology (SSSSC) 2019, University of Fribourg, Switzerland. Prof. Wac is a workshop organizer.
24 April 2019, Poster Titled “Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Blood Glucose, Food Cravings, and Mood in Non-Diabetics: An N-of-1 Randomized Trial Pilot Study”, at the Annual Frontiers in Diabetes Symposium 2019, Stanford University, USA. Website Citation for the full paper Eric Jay Daza, Katarzyna Wac, Marily Oppezzo, ” Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Blood […]
6-9 March 2019, Digital Health Council Panel Titled “Interdisciplinary, collaborative models of designing, implementing, and evaluating digital behavior change interventions”, at the 40th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of Society of Behavioural Medicine (SBM), Washington, DC, USA. Prof. Wac participates in a Panel discussion. Full citation Madalina Sucala, Katarzyna Wac, Donna Spruijt-Metz, The Digital Health Council Present […]
Future Healthcare? Human & IT & Legal Perspectives Seminar How are healthcare technologies going to impact our society and relations? And what questions should we consider and discuss for the future, as the healthcare industry right now is changing dramatically? What Human and legal perspectives on the area, in the shape of short presentations from […]
2 November 2018, 9-11h, Battelle 432, PhD Defence of Marios Fanourakis titled: “On the Feasibility and Privacy Benefits of On-Device Data Mining for Opportunistic Crowd-Sensing and Service Self-Provisioning”. PhD Candidate Marios Fanourakis Thesis Title “On the Feasibility and Privacy Benefits of On-Device Data Mining for Opportunistic Crowd-Sensing and Service Self-Provisioning” Abstract Mobile device services are increasingly becoming […]
Our lab is generously hosting a free screening of ‘OUT OF MY HEAD’ – documentary on migraine on Monday, October 15th at 18h/6:00 pm, outofmyheadfilm.com WHERE: ReZ Auditorium, Université de Genève / Battelle building A, Route de Drize 7, 1227 Carouge, Switzerland. How to get here https://cui.unige.ch/en/contact/planaccessglobal/ Discussion with participants will follow the screening. Register and ensure your seat! […]
8 October 2018, ACM Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMP 2018). The MHC Workshop is titled “Mobile Human Contributions: Opportunities and Challenges”. Web Co-Organizer: Prof. Katarzyna Wac Selected high-quality, high-impact, and original research results papers will be invited to submit extended version of their work to the Special Issue on ‘Human Accuracy in Mobile Data Collection’ of The […]
24-27 October 2018, 25th International Society for Quality of Life Research Conference (ISOQOL 2018). The Workshop is titled “Clinical Outcome Assessments Embedded in Mobile and Wearable Information Technologies” and is a continuation of the successful 2017 workshop titled “Designing Quality of Life-driven Mobile Information Technologies” (ISOQOL 2017). Co-Organizers: Prof. Katarzyna Wac, Allan Berrocal (QoL PhD student), Nikki […]
22-24 August 2018, Annual Summit of the Worldwide Living Lab Community (OpenLivingLab Days 2018), Geneva, Switzerland. OpenLivingLab Days is the annual summit of the worldwide Living Lab community, formally the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) Summer School. The annual 4 day event includes interactive sessions, workshops, lively discussion panels with excursions and off-site visits […]
22 June 2018, 10-12h, Battelle ReZ, PhD Defence of Christiana Tsiourti titled: “Artificial Agents as Social Companions: Design Guidelines for Emotional Interactions”. PhD Candidate Christiana Tsiourti Thesis Title “Artificial Agents as Social Companions: Design Guidelines for Emotional Interactions” The Thesis Jury Prof. Gilles Falquet (president of the jury) Prof. Dimitri Konstantas (thesis co-director) Assoc. Prof. Katarzyna Wac […]
21-24 May 2018, 12th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth 2018) and Conference Workshops, New York, United States. Katarzyna Wac is a Technical Program Committee co-Chair.
11-14 April 2018, The Digital Health Council and Education, Training, and Career Development Council organizes a Panel Titled “Perspectives On Effective Digital Health Training In Behavioral Medicine” (Web), at the 39th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of Society of Behavioural Medicine (SBM), New Orleans, LA, USA. Prof. Wac participates in a Panel discussion. Full citation Goldstein […]
23 November 2017, Katarzyna Wac, Connecté Pour Mieux Vivre, Careers and Opportunities Network Cafe titled “Nouvelles Technologies de l’information: En Finir Avec Les Préjugés”, University of Geneva, Switzerland. Video See also other talks given by the QoL group members here.
18-21 October 2017, 24th International Society for Quality of Life Research Conference (ISOQOL 2017). The Workshop is titled “Designing Quality of Life-driven Mobile Information Technologies”. Web Organizer: Prof. Katarzyna Wac
23-26 May 2017, 11th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth 2017) and Conference Workshops. Workshops “Challenges and Opportunities in Pervasive Health-enabled Telemedicine” (web) “Leveraging Patient-Generated Data for Collaborative Decision Making in Healthcare” (web) “Health-i-Coach: Intelligent Technologies for Coaching in Health” (web) Katarzyna Wac is the Workshop Chair, see the submission details at […]
26 October 2016, The ‘Public Health Schweiz’, i.e., the Swiss Society of Public Health organizes a Symposium titled “Compter ses pas, mesurer la tension artérielle, calculer les calories : une meilleure santé grâce au «self-tracking» et aux «wearables» ?” (Web), Bern, Switzerland. Prof. Wac participates in a Panel discussion. See also other talks given by […]
3 October 2016, 9-12h, KUA campus, Room 24.5.62, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, “QoL Vadis” – Interdisciplinary Workshop on Future and Emerging Trends in the Science of Quality of Life. Organizer Prof. Katarzyna Wac The Speakers Prof. Ayo Wahlberg, Institute for Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, The Making Of Quality Of Life – Co-Productions and Anthropological […]
23-24 May 2016, ITU-WHO Policy Dialogue on Digital Health for “Healthy Lives and Wellbeing for All (SDG3)” in parallel to the World Health Assembly (WHA 2016). Panel in which Prof. Wac participates is titled “Innovations for Global Health Challenges”. (Web, Slides) See also other talks given by the QoL group members here.
16-18 March 2016, 21st Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP 2016). Talk given by Prof. Wac is titled “Star Trek’s Tricorder: Science Fiction or Future Science?”. Web, Slides, Video See also other talks given by the QoL group members here.
23 Feburary 2016, 15-16.30h, Battelle A-432, Invited talk by Prof. Anind K. Dey (CMU, USA) titled: “Understanding Human Behavior Using Everyday Technology”. Speaker Prof. Anind K. Dey, Carnegie Mellon University, Human-Computer Interaction Institute, USA Title Understanding Human Behavior Using Everyday Technology Abstract Commodity smart phones and initial Internet-of-Things devices have made the visions of ubiquitous […]
23 Feburary 2016, 10-12h, Battelle A-404/407, PhD Defence of Mattia Gustarini titled: “Analysing Smartphone Users’ “Inner-Self”: The Perception of Intimacy and Smartphone Usage Changes”. PhD Candidate Mattia Gustarini Thesis Title “Analysing Smartphone Users’ “Inner-Self”: The Perception of Intimacy and Smartphone Usage Changes” Lay Summary To be more intelligent, mobile services and applications rely on users’ […]
6-10 December 2015, Special Session on “Hot Topics on Multimedia Communication Systems” (HOT-MMCS) at the 4th IEEE International Workshop on Cloud Computing Systems, Networks, and Applications (CCSNA) co-located with IEEE GlobeCom. See the dedicated HOT-MMCS website.
5 December 2015, 3rd Conference of International Society for Wearable Technology in Healthcare (WATCH 2015). Talk given by Prof. Wac is titled “Human Aspects in Use (and Misuse) of Mobile Apps and Wearables for Health Self-Management”. See also other talks given by the QoL group members here.
23-25 May 2015, 9th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth 2015) and Workshops. WORKSHOPS Workshop on Adaptive Treatments and Therapies (WATT 2015) Workshop on Personal Health Systems for Chronic Diseases (PHSCD 2015) 2nd Workshop on Process Oriented Approach for Patient Centered Care Delivery (ProCare 2015) Workshop on Issues of Geographically Distributed, Home-Based […]
Mattia Gustarini, Ops, I was not supposed to share that picture with them! Towards semi-automated centralized privacy settings: what to share, with whom, and in which situation, University of Lugano, Switzerland, Nov 2013 Highlight news Ubiquitous data collection from our smartphones is becoming a mainstream. We share data (e.g., photos, location) with our social networks, […]
9-12 October 2013, IEEE International Workshop on Service Science for e-Health (SSH) co-located with the IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application and Services (IEEE HealthCom 2013) See the dedicated IEEE SSH workshop website. The workshop was also running in 2014.
9 October 2013, Katarzyna Wac is giving a tutorial titled “Methodology for Evaluating Experience of Mobile (Healthcare) Applications Used in Different Contexts of Daily Life”, at the 15th Intl Conference on e-Health Networking, Application and Services (IEEE HealthCom’13) conference in Lisbon, Portugal. Abstract: Many attendees at IEEE HealthCom conferences deal on a growing scale with […]
Since August 2013 our Quality of Life Living Lab (mQoL) is a Member of European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL). Mattia Gustarini represented the mQoL team at the ENoLL meeting, see Pic1,Pic2,Pic3.
25 April 2013, “Un bracelet qui mesure tout”, Emission Radio, Invitée: Dr. Katarzyna Wac, RTS.ch. Tout quantifier dans sa vie, c’est la tendance pour les accros à la technologie. Pour les adeptes du “Quantified Self”, un nouveau bracelet est disponible en Suisse. Le UP permettrait de tout mesurer dans sa vie, du sport au sommeil. […]
13 November 2012, Participation in the Seminar Series on Technology of Information for Geographic and Environment Research and Services (TIGERS), University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. Sokratis Barmpounakis contribution has been titled “QoSIS – Quality of Service Information System”. See also other talks given by the QoL group members here.
24 September 2012, 18.00, UniGe-UniMail, M3220, Seminar Series co-organized by Clement Charles (Quantified Self Labs, Geneva) and Dr. Katarzyna Wac (University of Geneva, Switzerland) Following our seminar on 11th June of 2012, we meet again in September! Quantified Self Labs is a collaboration of users and (self-)monitoring tool makers who share an interest in self […]
25-26 September 2012, Participation in the ITU Experts Group Meeting titled “mHealth: Towards Better Care, Cure and Prevention in Europe”, held within the framework of the ITU European Regional Initiative on ICT Applications, including e-Health, Geneva, Switzerland. Dr Katarzyna Wac contribution has been titled “mHealth Services Science – Science in the Service of Life Quality”. […]
Mattia Gustarini presented his scientific paper at the International Workshop on Ubiquitous Mobile Instrumentation (UbiMi) workshop, co-located with the UBICOMP Conference, Pittsburgh, US You can find the paper and the slides under the following link: Mattia Gustarini, Katarzyna Wac, Ubiquitous Inference of Mobility State of Human Custodian in People-Centric Context Sensing Link to the UbiMi […]
Sokratis Barmpounakis and Mattia Gustarini presented their scientific papers published at the Mobile Data Challenge by Nokia Workshop, co-located with the PERVASIVE Conference in Newcastle, UK. You can find the papers, poster and slides under the following links: Sokratis Barmpounakis, Katarzyna Wac, Deriving Connectivity and Application Usage Patterns From Longitudinal Mobile Phone Usage Data Mattia […]
3-6 Jun 2012, Dagstuhl Seminar co-organized by Prof. Dr. Paolo Bonato (Harvard Medical School, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital and The Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Boston, USA), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Fiedler (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden), Prof. David Hausheer (TU Darmstadt, Germany) and Dr. Katarzyna Wac (University of Geneva, Switzerland). Motivation: The support of […]
5-10 May 2012, Katarzyna Wac is teaching a course on Methodology for Evaluating Experience of Mobile Applications Used in Different Contexts of Daily Life at the ACM SIGCHI CHI conference in Austin, Texas, USA. A shorter version of the course has been also taught at the Human-Computer Interaction group of Vienna University of Technology, Institute […]
5-9 December 2011, Participation at mHealth Training Institute organized by the US National Institute of Health (NIH) and co-located with the mHealth Summit at Washington DC, USA. Using mobile technologies to more rapidly and accurately assess and modify behavior, biological states and contextual variables has great potential to transform medical research. Recent advances in mobile […]
IEEE ICC 2011 Business Forum on “eHealth Support in Future Internet” – Viable Business Models for Quality of Service Assurance (IEEE ICC 2011)
31 August 2011, Katarzyna Wac is giving a tutorial titled “Performance evaluation of mobile services: measurements-based methodology and example assessment techniques” at the MobileHCI conference in Stockholm, Sweden. This tutorial first presents a generic methodology for measurements-based performance evaluation of a mobile communication system and its service(s), and second, it presents an application of this […]
Organizers: Andreas Metzger and Clarissa Marquezan (Paluno, U of Duisburg-Essen; S Cube Network of Excellence and FInest FI PPP Use Case project), Katarzyna Wac (U of Geneva), David Hausheer (TU Darmstadt) Future Internet applications will draw on the convergence of Services, Things, Contents and Networks. This means that the capabilities and features of FI applications […]
The increasing availability of miniaturized computing, storage and communication resources for personal wearable electronics devices as well as the availability of diverse sensors for human vital signs (e.g., heart rate, respiration) enable the development of a wide variety of wearable systems for ambulatory psychophysiological measurements. These systems pave the way for the acquisition of quality […]
3 February 2011, 8.30, “Boursières d’Excellence” talk by Katarzyna Wac, titled Translational Research on Effective and Efficient Telemedicine Services Supporting the Self-management of Chronically Ill Patients See also other talks given by the QoL group members here.
Katarzyna Wac received a “COST Ambassador” grant for presenting the topic “From Quality of Service to Quality of Experience in Health Informatics Systems” at the ESF-COST Research Conference ‘Future Internet & Society Complex Networks Perspective ‘ Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy, 2-7 October 2010
Katarzyna Wac presented a paper entitled “Body Area Networks for Ambulatory Psychophysiological Monitoring: A Survey of Off-the-Shelf Sensor Systems” at BodyNets Corfu, Greece, 10-12 September, 2010, ACM Press Publisher
Collaborative Sharing of Quality of Service Information for Mobile Service Users Katarzyna Wac University of Geneva, 03.06.2009 12:00 Duration: 1:01:15 QuickTime See also other talks given by the QoL group members here.